- SSH client
- Purchased VGS server with Unturned server
- Open PuTTy or another SSH client
- Log into your IP of server with username user01 (all details were send in e-mail)
- Use command “cd /home/user01”
- Turn on the server using command “./”
Server configuration
- Open PuTTy or another SSH client
- Log into your IP of server with username user01 (all details were send in email)
- Use forcely shutdown with command “pkill -f unturned”
- Open folder with configuration file using command “cd /home/user01/unturned/Servers/pvp/Server/”
- Edit folder Commands.dat (using mcedit or another text editor)
- After edit, save and go back to main folder using command “cd /home/user01”
- Restart server using “./”
Open console
- Open PuTTy or SSH client
- Log into your IP of server with username user01 (all details were send in email)
- Use command “screen -r unturned”