Unturned – Basics



  1. Open PuTTy or another SSH client
  2. Log into your IP of server with username user01 (all details were send in e-mail)
  3. Use command “cd /home/user01”
  4. Turn on the server using command “./restart.sh”
Server does not start immediately

It is necessary to wait for the server performs update to the latest version.

Server configuration

  1. Open PuTTy or another SSH client
  2. Log into your IP of server with username user01 (all details were send in email)
  3. Use forcely shutdown with command  “pkill -f unturned”
  4. Open folder with configuration file using command “cd /home/user01/unturned/Servers/pvp/Server/”
  5. Edit folder Commands.dat (using mcedit or another text editor)
  6. After edit, save and go back to main folder using command “cd /home/user01”
  7. Restart server using “./restart.sh”

Open console

  1. Open PuTTy or SSH client
  2. Log into your IP of server with username user01 (all details were send in email)
  3. Use command “screen -r unturned”
Aktualizace provedena: May 15, 2017

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